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Posted byCrystal Kadir Posted onMay 23, 2023 Comments0
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As a parent, it can be challenging to ensure that your child receives the support they need to succeed in school. Whether your child is struggling academically or has a learning difference, an assessment can be an invaluable tool for identifying their strengths and weaknesses and providing a roadmap for their educational journey.

In this guide, we will explore the benefits of assessments and how they can help your child receive the support they need to thrive in school.

What is an Assessment?

An assessment is a systematic evaluation of a child’s abilities, skills, and knowledge. It is typically conducted by a qualified professional, such as a psychologist, to identify areas of strength and weakness and develop a plan for supporting the child’s development.

There are many different types of assessments, each designed to evaluate specific areas of a child’s functioning. For example, an academic assessment may evaluate a child’s reading and math skills, while a psychological assessment may evaluate their emotional and behavioral functioning.

Why is an Assessment Important?

An assessment can be an invaluable tool for identifying a child’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as any learning differences or other issues that may be impacting their performance in school.

Here are some of the key benefits of an assessment:

Identifying Learning Differences

An assessment can help identify if your child has a learning difference, such as dyslexia, ADHD, or autism spectrum disorder. This can be critical for providing the appropriate support and accommodations to help your child succeed in school.

Developing a Plan for Support

An assessment can provide a roadmap for supporting your child’s development. Based on the results of the assessment, a qualified professional can develop a plan that includes specific interventions and accommodations to address your child’s unique needs.

Informing Educational Decisions

An assessment can provide valuable information for making educational decisions, such as determining whether your child should be placed in special education or receive additional support services.

Tracking Progress

An assessment can be used to track your child’s progress over time, helping to ensure that they are making meaningful gains and receiving the support they need to succeed.

How Can an Assessment Help Your Child Receive Supports at School?

An assessment can be a critical first step in ensuring that your child receives the support they need to succeed in school. Here are some ways that an assessment can help your child receive supports at school:

Identifying Learning Differences

One of the most important ways that an assessment can help your child receive support at school is by identifying any learning differences that may be impacting their performance.

For example, if your child is struggling with reading, an assessment may reveal that they have dyslexia, a common learning difference that affects a child’s ability to read accurately and fluently.

Once a learning difference has been identified, your child may be eligible for special education services or other accommodations, such as extended time on tests, access to audiobooks, or preferential seating in the classroom.

Developing a Plan for Support

Another way that an assessment can help your child receive support at school is by providing a roadmap for their educational journey.

Based on the results of the assessment, a qualified professional can develop a plan that includes specific interventions and accommodations to address your child’s unique needs.

For example, if your child is struggling with math, an assessment may reveal that they have difficulty with spatial reasoning. Based on this information, a qualified professional may develop a plan that includes visual aids or manipulatives to help your child understand mathematical concepts.

Informing Educational Decisions

An assessment can also be used to inform educational decisions, such as determining whether your child should be placed in special education or receive additional support services.

In many cases, a child’s performance in school may be impacted by factors outside of the classroom, such as their emotional or behavioral functioning. An assessment can help identify these factors and inform decisions about appropriate support services.

For example, if an assessment reveals that your child has anxiety or ADHD, they may be eligible for counseling services or accommodations in the classroom, such as extra breaks or a quiet space to work.

Tracking Progress

An assessment can also be used to track your child’s progress over time, helping to ensure that they are making meaningful gains and receiving the support they need to succeed.

For example, if your child receives support services based on the results of an assessment, regular progress monitoring can help determine whether the interventions are effective and whether adjustments need to be made.

How to Get an Assessment for Your Child

If you are interested in getting an assessment for your child, the first step is to speak with their teacher or school counselor. They may be able to provide recommendations for qualified professionals in your area who can conduct the assessment.

You may also want to consider working with a private psychologist or other qualified professional who specializes in assessments. Some insurance plans may cover the cost of the assessment, but it is important to check with your provider to understand your coverage.

Before scheduling an assessment, it is important to speak with your child and explain why they are being assessed and what to expect. Depending on their age and developmental level, they may have questions or concerns about the process.

It is also important to understand that an assessment can be a time-consuming and potentially stressful process for your child. Be sure to schedule the assessment at a time when your child is well-rested and feeling their best, and be prepared to provide support and encouragement throughout the process.

Tips for Preparing for an Assessment

If you have decided to move forward with an assessment for your child, there are a few steps you can take to prepare them for the process and ensure that they are as comfortable and prepared as possible:

Explain the Process

Take time to explain the assessment process to your child, including what they can expect during the assessment and how the results will be used to support their learning.

Address Any Fears or Concerns

If your child has any fears or concerns about the assessment process, take time to address them and provide reassurance. It can be helpful to share stories about other children who have gone through the process and come out the other side feeling successful and supported.

Practice Self-Care

Assessments can be stressful for children, so it is important to encourage self-care practices leading up to the assessment. This may include getting plenty of sleep, eating nutritious foods, and engaging in relaxing activities such as yoga or meditation.

Encourage Positive Self-Talk

Encourage your child to use positive self-talk leading up to and during the assessment. This may include affirmations such as “I am capable” or “I am doing my best.”

Provide Encouragement and Support

During the assessment process, be sure to provide plenty of encouragement and support for your child. This may include words of affirmation, a small reward for their efforts, or simply being there to listen and provide comfort.


An assessment can be an invaluable tool for identifying your child’s unique strengths and weaknesses and developing a plan for supporting their educational journey. Whether your child is struggling academically or has a learning difference, an assessment can help identify the root cause of their difficulties and provide a roadmap for their success.

If you are considering an assessment for your child, be sure to speak with their teacher or school counselor and take time to prepare your child for the process. With the right support and encouragement, an assessment can be a powerful tool for helping your child receive the support they need to thrive in school and beyond.

Crystal Kadir